Frequently Asked Questions

What is Tejano Veterans Association mission statement?
To participate in activities on National holidays and during civic functions that honor and recognize our Veterans those currently serving and those that have made the ultimate sacrifice.
When and where does Tejano Veterans Association meet?
Meetings held the 3rd Wednesday of each month @ 7 pm, at HCC Southeast Building (workforce Building room 208), 6815 Rustic Lane, Huston, TX 7708
Can anybody join Tejano Veterans Association?
We open our doors to ALL men and women Veterans and their families. Attend a meeting or function and we have to forms to complete and become a member, there is a $25.00 annual membership
What is Tejano Veterans Association motto?
Our motto “Veterans helping Veterans” is accomplished by educating and informing veterans of their earned benefits and other forms of assistance available from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, the state of Texas, Harris County and private non- profit veteran advocacy groups. Much too often men and women leave military service and step into civilian life without knowing the types of assistance and benefits they have earned as a result of their service to our great Nation.
Why did Tejano Veterans Association get established?
As patients at the VA Michael DeBakey Medical Center in late 2010, a group of disabled Vietnam veterans saw a major need to assist other military veterans maneuver through the bureaucratic maze at the Houston VA hospital. This facility serves 130,000 plus patients annually from throughout greater SE Texas. This group of Vietnam Vets routinely witnessed veterans who walked into the hospital daily needing information regarding medical and dental care, disability claims, educational benefits, home loans, homelessness and other areas of concern. Having been through similar experiences, group members began directing their fellow veterans to various departments and programs at the hospital, VA Regional Office and to specific organizations in the community which had expertise in assisting veterans in need. This group of concerned veterans officially became the TEJANO VETERANS ASSOCIATION (TVA) on February 23, 2012, a non-profit 501(c) (3) association.
What other events does Tejano Veterans Association participate in?
We participate in many V.A. Hospital events, V.A. Cemetery events, parades, assist homeless Veterans, we have an Honor Guard that conducts many Veteran funeral events, we have annual bbq fundraisers and cook-offs to raise funds for TVA to succeed, Choushatta bus trips as fundraisers as well

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May 2024

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